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Writer's picture: kimstanfieldkimstanfield

the Hebrew Year that we are currently in is 5784 and means…

These numbers stand for grace (5), perfection (7), new beginnings (8) and creation (4). I believe we are entering into a year in which the King is calling His kingdom to creative order and miracles in Christ. Watch as God takes you to next levels of order and creativity in the kingdom in the earth.

As we are partway through this Hebrew year, it is interesting then to see what our coming year numbers mean.

The Hebrew meaning of our New Year 2024 is…

2 – blessing, abundance, dying to self

0 – signifies something unquantifiable and uncontainable such as the Mighty Elohim (God)

2 - blessing, abundance, dying to self

4 – creation, authority, government, calendar, time, fullness, and Holy Spirit

And in - The Hebrew Year 5785 begins at sundown on Wednesday, 2 October 2024 and literally means ‘head of the year’.

I believe we are in a significant season of God’s timeline upon the world and whether people wish to comprehend it or not, we are being urged to pray more over circumstances, situations, and for those around us.

In the year 1924 (100 years ago) Hitler was given a 5-year prison sentence, (for his actions in WW1) of which he only served 9 months of it. Nine years later in 1933 he was back in power again and started his terror upon Europe and the World.

God reminds us that He has already won the fight, but we still very much need to play our part for His Kingdom to come and pray.

Dear young friends, you belong to God and have already won your fight with those who are against Christ because there is someone in your hearts who is stronger than any evil teacher in this wicked world. – 1 John 4:4 TLB

16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 ESV

God has blessed us with a mouth to speak out his living word (bible) and given us the authority to do it and see our circumstances changed and turned around for His good upon the earth.

Join me as we declare God’s goodness, blessing, and abundance over His church this New Year's Eve and step into the New Year with all the authority God has given us to bring His reality to all we meet in 2024.

Lord, I praise you for your surpassing greatness

and your acts of power.

I worship you as the creator of the entire universe,

yet you love me personally.

Thank you that I will see you face to face,

and I will reign with you for ever and ever.

Thank you that right now I know your love,

through the death and resurrection of Jesus,

and I experience your love, poured into my heart

by the Holy Spirit. Lord Jesus,

I will praise your name forever and ever!

Bring your righteousness and conviction of truth

to the hearts of those who Govern over us at this time in ‘His-story’

and pour an extravagant abundance of your love and mercy

upon all who call out your name, this year 2024 for supernatural transformations

to take place and give testimony to your goodness for eternity!




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