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Writer's picture: kimstanfieldkimstanfield

We are coming up to a very important part of the Church calendar… EASTER where we remember Jesus dying for us on the cross but more importantly it was what happened on the Sunday that means even more to Christians today – as that is why we have such a great hope!

I was listening to a song the other day while driving to an appointment and the composer of the song was writing it from the perspective of Mary Magdalene who was part of the disciple’s story around Jesus and especially events that took place over that Easter period!

For those of you who may not know much about Mary Magdalene …

  • Mary Magdalene was a Jewish woman from the fishing town Magdala, on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee

  • Her name is mentioned 12 times in the Gospels, more than most of the apostles

  • Mark and Luke recorded the healing of demons from Mary’s life in their Gospel accounts

  • The friendship forged from the freedom she received from Jesus led to Mary’s entire life henceforth serving as a reflection of her gratitude.

  • The four Gospel accounts record the presence of women at the foot of the cross when Jesus died including Mary Magdalene

  • In Matthew 27:61 it accounts - Mary remained until Jesus’ body was taken down from the cross, and followed to witness Joseph of Arimathea’s burial of Jesus

  • Through her eyes, we learn a little more about who Jesus was. He found her in her darkest place and healed her miraculously. She was one of His friends and a faithful follower. Mary’s actions perhaps spoke the loudest, supporting Jesus’ ministry with all she had to give. To what she thought was the bitter end, she gave her life to follow Him and care for Him. The sweetest note of her story is her not knowing that her Saviour stood before her in that empty grave on Easter morning. She was so ‘beside herself’ in her grief that she didn’t realize He was standing before her.

  • "At this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not realize that it was Jesus. He asked her, 'Woman, why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?' Thinking he was the gardener, she said, 'Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him.' Jesus said to her, 'Mary.' She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, 'Rabboni!' (which means 'Teacher'). Jesus said, 'Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’' " John 20:14-17 NIV

Meg Bucher writer & blogger

I wish to preface the following video clip from ‘The Chosen’ series by saying… in this video series the original full-length film opens by showing Mary Magdalene as a little girl not able to sleep because she was afraid and she comes to her own father who says to her, what do we do when we are afraid? He then quotes the Old Testament from Isaiah to her …

Isaiah 43: 1-4 But now, thus says the LORD, who created you, Jacob, and formed you, Israel: Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name: you are mine. When you pass through waters, I will be with you; through rivers, you shall not be swept away. When you walk through fire, you shall not be burned, nor will flames consume you. For I, the LORD, am your God, the Holy One of Israel, your savior. I give Egypt as ransom for you, Ethiopia and Seba in exchange for you. Because you are precious in my eyes and honored, and I love you, I give people in return for you and nations in exchange for your life.

In this Clip provided, it shows Mary meeting Jesus….

Now that I have given you a little insight into who Mary is I would like to share the lyrics of the song I was listening to in my car …

ALIVE – by Natalie Grant from the album ‘The Story’ 2011 (see more info at end of blog)

Who but You Could breathe and leave a trail of galaxies And dream of me? What kind of love Is writing my story till the end With mercy's pen? Only you What kind of king Would choose to wear a crown That bleeds and scars To win my heart What kind of love Tells me I'm the reason He can't stay Inside the grave You, is it You? Standing here before my eyes Every part of my heart cries

Alive, alive Look what mercy's overcome Death has lost and love has won Alive, alive Hallelujah, risen Lord The only One I fall before I am his because he is Alive

Who could speak And send the demons back from where they came With just one name? What other heart Would let itself to be broken every time Until he healed mine? You, only you Could turn my darkness into dawn Running right into your arms

Alive, alive Look what mercy's overcome Death has lost and love has won Alive, alive Hallelujah, risen Lord The only One I fall before I am his because he is Emmanuel, the promised king The baby who made angels sing Son of man who walked with us Healing, breathing in our dust The Author of all history The answer to all mysteries The lamb of God who rolled away The stone in front of every grave

Alive, alive Look what mercy's overcome Death has lost and love has won Alive, I am his because he is Alive!

The lines from the song I wanted to highlight to you are …

  • What kind of King would choose to wear a crown that bleeds and scars to win my heart

o A King who knows and understands a ‘Father’s Heart’ above all else o In John 3:16 AMP it says ‘For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He [even] gave His [One and] [a]only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him [as Saviour] shall not perish, but have eternal life

  • What kind of Love tells me I'm the reason He can't stay inside the grave

o The kind of amazing love that needs to complete His job of redeeming us for eternity – death has lost due to Jesus rising again to life and LOVE has most certainly won!

  • The lamb of God who rolled away the stone in front of every grave

o He has effectively granted us each the ability to walk out of our own tomb to an ALIVE love with him! How amazing is that!

Not only has Jesus done that for Mary Magdalene two thousand years ago but he has done that for me too - and everyone else today and my desire is to help as many others around me know that revelation as well.

I pray over this Easter weekend that on Good Friday when we remember him dying on the cross, we give thanks for his commitment to following thru on staying nailed to that cross in his amazing love for us, and then on Sunday we acknowledge the unparalleled blessing it is, that he is now ALIVE and we can have him part of our everyday lives, because of what he has performed for each one of us 😊


Music Inspired by The Story is a 2011 compilation album of songs by various contemporary Christian music artists.[5] The songs were inspired by scripture passages found in the Bible; it is included in a series with books by Max Lucado and Randy Frazee.[5] The album was named the Special Event Album of the Year at the 43rd GMA Dove Awards.[6]

The album was written by Nichole Nordeman and composer Bernie Herms.[5] The songs were written in the first-person perspective of people in the Bible.[5]


"Alive (Mary Magdelene)" by Natalie Grant was released as a single; it peaked at No. 19 on the Billboard Christian Songs chart.[7] The Francesca Battistelli song "Be Born in Me" hit No. 20 on the same chart.[8]


A listing of the tracks on the disks (whose perspective it is written from) and performing artist:

Disk 1

1. "I Am" (Creation) – Overture (3:32)

2. "Good" (Adam & Eve) – Matthew West and Leigh Nash (6:05)

3. "Who But You" (Abraham & Sarah) – Mark Hall and Megan Garrett (of Casting Crowns) (5:04)

4. "Bend" (Joseph) – Brandon Heath (4:30)

5. "It Must Be You" (Moses) – Bart Millard of MercyMe (5:15)

6. "Bring Us Home" (Joshua) – Lecrae, Blanca Callahan and Michael Tait (of Newsboys) (4:59)

7. "I'm With You" (Ruth and Naomi) – Amy Grant and Nichole Nordeman (4:14)

8. "Your Heart" (David) – Chris Tomlin (4:41)

9. "No Compromise" (Daniel) – Peter Furler (4:41)

10. "Born for This" (Esther) – Mandisa (4:16)

11. "Broken Praise" (Job) – Todd Smith (6:49)

Disk 2

1. "Be Born In Me" (Mary) – Francesca Battistelli (6:20)

2. "When Love Sees You" (Jesus) – Mac Powell (of Third Day) (4:57)

3. "How Love Wins" (Thief) – Steven Curtis Chapman (6:55)

4. "Alive" (Mary Magdalene) – Natalie Grant (5:05)

5. "Empty" (Disciples) – Dan Haseltine and Matt Hammitt (of Sanctus Real) (5:55)

6. "Move In Me" (Paul) – Jeremy Camp (4:02)

7. "The Great Day" (Second Coming) – Michael W. Smith and Darlene Zschech (6:46)



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