We all spend endless hours at this time of the year to think up that one ‘perfect gift’ for family and friends that will put a smile on their face when they open it from you because you have given it with much love and so much thought!
I was sitting at the school oval recently with my daughter, watching my older grandson run in an inter-school racing carnival and in between races we were discussing family gifts and best ideas for ‘so & so’.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if when at the shops, a light/star/torch from above would shine down on the item in front of you that says, ‘here it is… what you are looking for… that present for…!’ How nice would that be, it would stop all that second guessing and deliberating we do – in a way, torturing ourselves over the whole process!
What if I told you that God did that already, when Jesus was born! Shone a light down on the ‘Perfect Gift’ for us!
God made it so obvious for everyone to know without a doubt who and where Jesus was…. How could people still not know?
We are in a season of great uncertainty on many different levels in the world and this Christmas I believe we need to be more proactive on telling those around us who Jesus is and why we actually celebrate this time of year!
My husband and I have been very passionate about sharing Jesus with others from very young when we both served on a local Youth for Christ team. Then later on we put our passion behind running Alpha programs for the community for many years.
Nicky Gumbel from Holy Trinity Church in London says in his book ‘Why Christmas’ (see below screen captures from same book) – ‘Why do we need him? Even if Jesus was who he said he was, why do we need him 2,000 years later?

The world around us is desperate for both the above two things today and if we can share the answer with them then I believe we will see a remarkable change take place!
Join me this Christmas to shine a light on the most remarkable and perfect Christmas gift ever for everyone and let’s see how God can use us in the process to make a real difference to others!
I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust [with great confidence, and on whom I rely]!” – Ps 91:2 AMP
Kingdomcity – My Great Confidence - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcGQJID6uws