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Flying Higher

Writer's picture: kimstanfieldkimstanfield

What makes you feel free?

How much do you push yourself to reach for that sensation?

The bible says in John 8:36 NIVSo if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.’

When I was a child and went to the local park I would go straight to the swing set and swing myself as high as possible to try seeing as far into the distance as possible but also to experience that weightless sensation when my swing would get to its maximum height and then revert back down again… giving me that one moment of weightless sensation that made me feel as light as air and in a way ‘euphoric’ (characterised by or feeling intense excitement and happiness – a euphoric sense of freedom!). I have now taken my grandkids on many occasions to the park and my granddaughter enjoys doing the very same thing – I can see it in her face as she is up there 😊

When watching a nature film recently I saw these manta rays jumping up out of the water and although the commentator shared it could be for a number of different, very plausible, reasons they were doing it… I was thinking – they are probably just dear devil young adults that want to push for that same sensation! Why not? They are pushing the boundaries of their environment, from the ocean out into the air and unknown atmosphere! A bit like humans breaking through the atmosphere and travelling to the moon.

Back in 2019 my husband and I travelled to NZ (long-promised event that actually happened) and although I am a grandmother my husband talked me into going on a Luge cart ride down a mountainside in Rotorua! Definitely out of my comfort zone – pushed myself, but having done it, it was a lot of fun!

What has struck me today though, in our world of so much uncertainty, not knowing what is now safe for us to do (because of COVID restrictions), travel etc is having a sure foundation within ourselves – so we can then push ourselves personally to still experience more of those areas and moments of needed Freedom!

‘He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure.’ – Isaiah 33:6 NIV

I had a conversation just the other day with someone about choices we have had to make – life crossroads where we are pushed to make choices, some we like, some not so much but in that we are having to push ourselves physically, emotionally & spiritually to continue on further and not as the expression says, ‘go round the mountain again’.

If we are able to walk in the understanding of Jesus Christ being our ‘sure foundation’ (solid rock) for everyday life then the freedom mentioned in the scripture from the book of John above would be like the icing on the cake! Resting in the knowledge that Jesus is there with us in that decision making and we can rest assured that he only wants to help us and do the best for us in every circumstance.

Over the years I have felt out of my comfort zone on many occasions but in pushing through them with regular daily prayer etc I do believe I have learnt many valuable lessons that make me who I am today and have experienced that ‘euphoric’ freedom of knowing Jesus Christ has in a way been the wind beneath my wings through it all.

In my 38 years of married life, I have …

  • Moved over 4,000 km from family for husband's work after less than a year into marriage

  • Raised two daughters into grown women making their own choices

  • Preached in front of hundreds on a mission trip in a country while they were still going through Civil War

  • Supported husband through cancer and chemo season

  • Navigated myself through FIFO over 3 yrs. and helped hubby thru his FIFO over 6 months

  • Assisted navigating elderly parents through a car accident, care facilities & failing health for their last 4 yrs. (incl being investigated by the National Aged Care body for allegations outside my control)

  • Battled financial crimes investigations over many months, along with untrue allegations directed at myself and my husband that were out of my control (did not receive all funds back in return)

  • Written and published two books to share all that God has done through the above processes

There are many things this side of heaven that we would love to know the ‘why’ behind BUT I think having experienced all that I have to date, I am sensing that there are a lot more ‘euphoric’ freedom moments out there for me to push for and enjoy – like the Manta rays coming up out of the ocean to fly for those split seconds!

‘…let me experience the joys of life and the exquisite pleasures of your own eternal presence’ – Ps 16:11 TLB

I too want to experience much more of the joy of God’s presence in my every day. Being elated in speaking to an individual about the Life God so wants for them, praying with them to receive Jesus as their Lord and saviour and see the supernatural and miraculous God wants for them.

I want to ‘Fly Higher’ for Him in this next season, reach for the stars and like I did as a child on the swing – see as far as I can over the horizon for God's richest possibilities ahead!

I am excited, come join me for this journey and see how high our Heavenly Father will take us!



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