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Writer's picture: kimstanfieldkimstanfield

During this last week of 2021, when asking the Lord for a word to start off my year to focus on, the word Fresco’s was

highlighted – (17th-century art form) The Italian word Fresco meaning ‘Fresh’.

In the Renaissance, pittura a fresco, meaning “painting freshly,” referred to paint applied while the plaster on the wall was still wet, as opposed to pittura a secco “painting dryly,” in which paint is applied when the plaster was dry.

A different sense of Italian fresco, meaning ‘fresh air’ appears in the phrase al fresco ‘outdoors’….

I went looking for why painters in the 17th century painted Fresco’s and found that by painting on wet plaster it gave the colours great permanence and resistance to aging (yay) but was also a difficult art form as they had to work quickly in order to apply their design.

* One well-known art piece was Michelangelo’s ‘The Creation of Adam’ on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, Vatican in Rome

I had the privilege of seeing this fresco in person in 2013 but was very disappointed once getting there as I imagined from art books and other forms of media that it would be a lot bigger than it actually was… high up in the ceiling of the chapel – only about the size of your hand from the distance I was at, standing on the floor looking up!

To think that these pieces of artwork were hand-painted by artists back centuries ago and they are now viewed by millions here in the 21st century! I wonder how these artists were inspired by the imagery they created – considering that many Frescos around that same time were mostly angelic, heavenly beings worshiping etc.

For us to desire to create and make something lasting would seem a response from a creative God?

God gave each of us talents and creative minds. The first verse in the Bible says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and earth” (Genesis 1:1). God is Creator, and He formed us in His image—so we’re creative, too! …

Creative people have used their talents for God as far back as Bible times. Musicians often led God’s armies into battle. Playing a trumpet instead of carrying a sword took courage! At the dedication of the rebuilt walls of Jerusalem (Nehemiah 12), two large choirs and orchestras highlighted the celebration….

Exercising your talents also involves discipline. If you are a musician, you have to practice. If you are a painter, sculptor or woodworker, you have to try new techniques and materials. Writers must write.

And when God provides inspiration, don’t wait to act. Part of the creative process is obedience to the vision God gives you. If you don’t act, the inspiration may disappear before you capture it….

Certain things can prevent us from discovering and exercising our gifts and talents. Exhaustion hurts creativity. When you stay busy all the time and don’t rest, your mind isn’t as sharp. Technology (texting, social networking, TV, computer games) can rob creativity and steal lots of time, preventing us from strengthening talents. Another big creativity blocker is pride. Talent is a gift, so thank God for the ideas and talents He’s given you and use them to glorify Him.

I believe the Lord is highlighting this word ‘Fresco’ (Fresh) within me for the start of 2022 as He wants to bring about a Freshness to many as this New Year plays out. After the last two years of all we have experienced and had to endure, I would say it’s about time! Leaving all that behind us to now focus on what is ahead!

‘…I do have one compelling focus: I forget all of the past as I fasten my heart to the future instead’. – Philippians 3:13 TPT

‘…I’ve got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I’m off and running, and I’m not turning back.’ – Philippians 3:13-14 MSG

By the Lord using myself and others who are willing - I believe He desires to bring about a colourful permanence (life transformation to many – for them to choose on their ‘eternity’) and also a type of resistance/barrier to anything the enemy tries to do around us (for example) telling us we can’t, or we are not good enough for the job at hand! But also, I am sensing our time is short, that our Lord and Saviour will be coming back soon so we need to work quickly with what He is calling us to do in this season (before the plaster sets hard).

I am excited by the possibilities of this freshness, as in the dictionary it says the following about the word ‘fresh’.

· To uncover fresh facts – yep already doing that!

· To seek fresh experiences – attending ‘Global Encounter’ is a start!

· Fresh supplies – word of God says ‘he supplies all we need’- Philippians 4:19

· Fresh appearance – desiring a healthier physical outlook is a choice!

· Refreshing – early morning swim/walks

· Exciting, appealing, great – yes, yes, yes

· To be informed or up to date – starting each new day in the word of God is the best start,

‘Behold everything is fresh and new’ – 2 Cor 5:17b TPT

‘..empowered to walk in the freshness of new life’ – Rom 6:4 TPT

Revive us again, O God! I know you will! Give us a fresh start! Then all your people will taste your joy and gladness.’ - Psalm 85:6 TPT

Your anointing has made me strong and mighty. You’ve empowered my life for triumph[a] by pouring fresh oil over me.’ – Psalm 92:10 TPT

for in your presence they will still overflow and be anointed. Even in their old age they will stay fresh, bearing luscious fruit and abiding faithfully.’ – Psalm 92:14 TPT

At the very moment I called out to you, you answered me! You strengthened me deep within my soul and breathed fresh courage into me.’ – Psalm 138:3 TPT

PRAYER Lord today I thank you for your word, reminding me that if I call out to you, you will ‘breath fresh courage into me’ for the job ahead and that I am not doing this alone but with you right beside me – come fill me again afresh as I step into 2022 with you! AMEN


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