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'K' is for Kringle

Writer's picture: kimstanfieldkimstanfield

Today is my younger sister’s birthday and along with myself and older sister, the three of us went out to celebrate together – to revel in the things we love (food), have a good laugh together, and remember silly nonsense as kids. From where we all started out, we have all come a long way individually but, in a way, we have come ‘full circle’ to be united in our desires – being there for each other!

A circle represents eternity, having no beginning or end. A line has a beginning, and it has an end. But if you draw it into a circle, it has neither beginning or end. The circle is symbolic of eternity. It is a symbol of God. He is neither the end or the beginning. He is all that he is, continuous. David tried to find his beginning. He looked back, he couldn't find it, he look forward, he couldn't find it. He said, "From everlasting to everlasting, thou art God"….

…God is a God of circles, and cycles, and seasons…

…women are circles with cycles. They hold the mystery of creation in their body. Their body holds the matrix of life, and their cycle is a projection of the creation. These mysterious women are mingled amongst these men, and they come into the Upper Room to wait on the promise of the Father (in book of Acts). They are waiting on what God is going to do next, just like you have been waiting on what God is going to do next…

We don't see this anywhere else in the Bible, where a mighty rushing wind and cloven tongues appeared like as of fire, and sat upon each of them, and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost. Can you imagine what it was like to be the 120 men in that room, and find yourself overcome by the power of the Holy Ghost? Can you imagine what it was like to be in that room, and hear a sound from heaven, and it wasn't quite an earthquake, and it wasn't quite lightning, and it wasn't quite thunder? It was like a mighty rushing wind, but it wasn't a wind. It was wind, but nothing was blowing. It was like as a mighty rushing wind. It was like a mighty burning fire, but it wasn't a fire, it was like, it was like, because they had never seen anything like it before, and it fell on all of them…

After reading the passage above, I am reminded that possibly Mary may have been the only one to have experienced anything close to what they all experienced in that upper room because she is the only one who has had Jesus Christ with in. But now they were all experiencing ‘being filled’.

I am currently hearing from many different avenues, that God wants to set things in motion to bring things ‘full circle’ for people and abundantly bless those who are pressing in, to what God has for their next season as we draw closer to 2024.

Those constant cycles, hits, trials, pressure, and longing for breakthroughs. I saw many of God’s people looking at the ‘clock’ and they were SIGHING LOUDLY over such deep grief of feeling like ‘so much time was lost and taken’ in this season through such vicious opposition and trial. I saw the word ‘REGRET’ coming towards God’s people: that through the ‘entertaining/focusing on the disappointments, disillusionment, pain and grief of this season’ that REGRET would take hold and bind them up in chains.

I could hear the heart cries of God’s people, ‘What did I do wrong Lord?’ ‘Where did I miss it?’ ‘Where did I go wrong?’ ‘What didn’t I do to still be in this place of such deep hardship, pain and pressure?’ ‘Please show me Lord, what have I missed that has prolonged my breakthrough?’

The more God’s people were putting their eyes upon all the ‘swirling heart cries of disappointment/grief’ etcetera, I saw the enemy coming into those areas and feeding his lies and poisonous whispers, ‘God doesn’t want your breakthrough!’ ‘The breakthrough is for everyone else but you.’ And if God’s people agreed with these lies, I saw CHAINS being formed around them.

But then… HE CAME!!!!! He showed up in all His glory, all His majesty, emanating such LOVE and FREEDOM. He stood before His people with such compassion in His eyes.

The TRUTH of His heart was SO LOUD — LOUDER than the SIGHS of the PAST God’s people were looking at. His EYES, full of SUCH LOVE, communicated SO LOUDLY!!! ‘I’m here!!!! I am working ALL THINGS for your good! I am RIGHTING WRONG TURNS!!! I am UNBLOCKING DELAYS!!! I am making your paths straight as you seek Me and delve into My Word. As you live laid down with your YES to Me, I am bringing SWIFT divine alignment. I am ALL FOR your BREAKTHROUGH!!!! I AM BREAKTHROUGH!!!!! Trust ME!!!’

I believe that God is for us and although we may struggle at times and in seasons, (especially many may in this season of Christmas) our Heavenly Father desires to bring things back ‘full circle’ to see us succeed and be blessed! He has already and will overwhelm the enemy on our behalf and like the Holy Spirit coming to those in the upper room in the book of Acts… He will breathe on us if we invite him to … ‘come Holy Spirit’.

So they will fear the name of the Lord from the west And His glory from the rising of the sun. For He will come in like a narrow, rushing stream Which the [a]breath of the Lord drives [overwhelming the enemy].

Isaiah 59:19 AMP

Praying for all this Christmas to know our Lord and Saviour personally!



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