Have you ever felt or experienced a situation where you had it all coming down on you and the only way you could have come out the other side was because JESUS was there keeping them off of you?
This picture brings back situations in my life where I KNOW Jesus was there, holding me tight and keeping the enemy off of me – to the point, I could sense the enemy’s teeth not far off from inflicting my demise.
If Jesus was between me and them on those occasions then He must have been so close that His breath (Hebrew word ‘Ruach’ meaning both breath & spirit) was upon me and keeping me covered from the ruckus, rumble, scuffle, clash etc that was most certainly playing out around me at the time.
On a much lighter note, I am currently doing an online study session – encouraged for spiritual growth at our church community and I am loving what is being shared. Today I was challenged on the word ‘COMPARISON’ and what that can do to us…
It was pointed out that ‘Comparison alters your ability to see the truth’ and because of that, it leads us down a lie that we need to stop it in its tracks!
I would like to share a story that comes to mind on this for me 😊
When I was a teenager (many years ago) and at my first real job after leaving secretarial college, I was enjoying the city life and being able to purchase name brand clothing with my hard-earned pay packet. Only thing was my mum (professional dressmaker) was at home washing my clothes and then making copies (reproductions) of said clothing for my older sister to wear (who lived away from home in outback NSW and earnt a lot more money than I ever did) as my mum felt sorry for her not getting to the shops to dress herself nicely!
Every few months when my older sister returned home to visit my mum lavished on her all the lovely clothes, she had been making for her and I guess I was very jealous and mad at my sister each time she came home to visit until one time she confronted me about why I was mad at her and when I explained, we came to an understanding (as it was clearly not her fault) and we made up etc.
This became for me the lie, that I needed to be jealous of my sister when that was not the case and so when discussed and everything talked out, I was able to see how my mum wanted to love on my sister by doing something nice and missed her as she only came home a few times a year.
If we don’t stop the lies the enemy tries to feed us in their tracks, they can grow out of control and that is not what our Heavenly Father wants for us.
5 “You’re blessed when you’re content with just who you are—no more, no less. That’s the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can’t be bought. – Matthew 5:5 MSG
This scripture highlights for us the importance of being ‘Content’ - like wearing a perfume of ‘Joy’ everywhere (that I have for many years).
I think it is so valuable then to pray over ourselves each day, the ‘Ruach’ of God – that we may have his breath covering us in all we do and say to everyone we meet.