Since this New Year, I have been struggling with a number of different health issues that have induced me to be housebound, and just now I was reading again what I wrote in my blog earlier this month and I am blown away, by how in just a few short weeks, my circumstances have tested all that I wrote…
· I can do all things through Him! - Philippians 4:13 AMP
· Those who seek the Lord will not lack any good thing! - Psalm 34:10b AMP
· It is God who arms me with strength! - Psalm 18:29,32,33 NKJV
I am beginning to realize that this year I will need others to stand alongside me, so I do not ‘slip’ into negativity and allow my present circumstances to cut off what the word of God says for me!
‘again, I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.’ – Matthew 18:19
I have been blessed over the last few weeks to have different ones touching base with me, asking for updates, and giving daily prayers that have been a lifeline for me. Also, I have taken time to listen to online devotions by church pastors who are so encouraging. One sharing from Hebrews chapter 10 which so spoke to me in a big way.
Let us approach God with true & sincere hearts
Making a point to sit and make time to talk with my heavenly father so that He can in turn speak back to me about what is happening in my life
Let us seize and hold tightly the confession of our hope
Not letting go of our love for God, even when things are tough and we struggle with painful situations but knowing that He cares for us and wants the best for us
Let us consider how we may encourage one another to love & do good
and always smiling through it all – that in everything we may show God's love to everyone around us, even if we don’t feel like it
and of course – not forsaking our meeting together
although I have not been able to fulfill this last one presently, I know through messaging friends I am very in touch with others, and it so blesses me
They say Millennials (my children's generation) are ‘tech-savvy’! Understanding how we use our phones today from the generation I grew up in... getting caught up in a coil (curly) cord that was attached to our phones and the wall was a staple!
If I was desperate to call someone back in the day, then finding a phone box that worked or that took the money I had available in my pocket was a miracle in itself! So, I guess you can see we did not have great communication over the phone back then. You would prefer to do it in person.
I was brought up in a home where my dad had a home business so as a teenager, if I wanted to spend a long time chatting to friends (or even boyfriends) then I was limited to five minutes in case an important call came through!
Even getting my first mobile phone in the 1990s as a grown adult was a huge step to know and understand it. I remember my sister and I trying our best to explain to my mum how to use a mobile phone and well it didn’t work so she just left my dad to operate it!
Our ‘lines’ of communication worldwide have come a long way with computers, emails, and more. But the ONE line of communication that has never changed, is talking to our Heavenly Father.
I love that I can talk, and message my family and friends (whether they reply is another question) but GOD hears us instantly and understands all we are going through – it’s how we come to discern his voice in return that He is encouraging us to cultivate in this season.
Be a conversationalist with your Heavenly Father and see what he wants to share with you today!

Royal Telephone by Jimmy Little - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqdQUL5k2gA
Telephone to glory, oh, what joy divine I can feel the current moving on the line Made by God the Father for His very own You may talk to Jesus on this royal telephone
Central's never busy, always on the line You can hear from heaven almost any time 'Tis a royal service, built for one and all When you get in trouble, give this royal line a call
Telephone to glory, oh, what joy divine I can feel the current moving on the line Made by God the Father for His very own You may talk to Jesus on this royal telephone
There will be no charges, telephone is free It is built for service, just for you and me There will be no waiting on this royal line Telephone to glory always answers just in time
Telephone to glory, oh, what joy divine I can feel the current moving on the line Made by God the Father for His very own You may talk to Jesus on this royal telephone
Telephone to glory, oh, what joy divine I can feel the current moving on the line Made by God the Father for His very own You may talk to Jesus on this royal telephone