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Writer's picture: kimstanfieldkimstanfield

NOSTALGIA – a feeling of pleasure and also slight sadness when you think about things that happened in the past

It has been just over five months since I had to say farewell to our wonderful Toby (loving family pet) but what sparked my nostalgic remembrance today was a training session I was running online with a team of people and to get everyone inspired for what I was about to share with them was this picture I found on Facebook from Christine Cain of a very energetic dog! ( )

In Toby’s younger years, he would run around our backyard in a fit of frenzy and without any notice come shooting through our ‘dog door’ flap like a rocket and the picture below reminded me of his energy, passion for life, and exuberance to ‘be in the moment'!

Sometimes I feel, especially over the last couple of years with COVID happening all around us, that we (pointing the finger at myself here) have in a way lost all of that and need to be prompted or prodded really hard to get these things back as a priority for ourselves.

Fueled by God’s Word

Thru growing up in Church and Sunday School and doing memory verses by rote regularly, I have a lot of the Word of God inside of me that does come to the fore occasionally but unless I make it a constant in my every day still, how else would God speak to me, or would I be able to share it with others as a nectar/refresher for their own circumstances?

Equipped with Vision for the future

Unless we are regularly speaking to our Heavenly Father about what or where to next, how else can we be about His business, for His plans and purpose to be outworked in our lives? Staying in touch with Him regularly through prayer is most vital!

Making Every day count

Waking up each morning and starting our day by dressing ourselves spiritually – try the ‘Spiritual Dress up Challenge’ for 2 weeks by Ps Jemima Varughese from Kingdomcity – (

Prayer to get yourself ready before you step out of bed each morning, you need to say;

· Lord anoint my mind - Today lord I ask that my thoughts be your thoughts, make my mind and my thoughts higher, Lord that your voice will be the loudest in my mind

· Lord anoint my eyes – to see what you see, to see the supernatural, to see beyond

· Lord anoint my ears – that I will not hear the fear of man, I will not hear the gossip where I go today but only hear you

· Lord anoint my nose – fill my lungs and nostrils with your presence, fill my body with your aroma that your presence in me will not bring death, division, or complaints

· Lord anoint my hands – that everything I touch will be anointed by you, that I will burn with the power of your Holy Spirit and bring life to those around me

· Lord anoint my feet – that I will walk in your plans and purpose for me and great favour to see others blessed around me today

Empowered by the Holy Spirit

Since 16 years of age, I have been empowered, inspired, and prompted by the Holy Spirit living in me to venture into many unknown territories, both home and abroad to speak what my heavenly father puts on my heart to say and because of my obedience, I have been privileged to see the miraculous and supernatural take place! Would not have it any other way… living on the edge!

Doing What God has called you to do

Recently a woman of God I very much admired passed away to go home to her Heavenly Father and what stirred me about her life was her evangelistic heart and call of God to know what was important and who was meant to be connected to what was important – back in the mid-1990’s she returned from the UK with a relatively new evangelistic tool (Alpha) and at a church community lunch she turned to me (I was not sitting anywhere near her, much further down the table) and said ‘Kim, you need to do this program!’ Eventually, I did get involved in running it and it changed my life completely - today I am still pursuing it with my whole heart and passion 😊

Overcoming Disappointment and Discouragement

God has enabled me to overcome these areas in my life by regularly journaling and writing them down. Because of that, I have now published two e-books online.

Door of Hope – Amazon

Fragrance – Amazon

I pray today that you too will pursue a life of passion for Jesus Christ and when nostalgia overcomes you – it will be for the power and blessing of Christ in your life, blessing others for his Kingdom.



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