In our everyday actions it is imperative to always keep our minds fixed on Christ and in turn, the word says, ‘He will keep in perfect peace all those who trust in Him’.
Do I trust Him? Do I trust my Lord Jesus will keep me in perfect Peace?
As a child, when having a bath, I remember laying down so the water would cover my ears and then I would close my eyes and believe I had blocked out the whole world and everything going on around me – just me and nothing else! Like I was in ‘limbo’ (a forgotten or ignored place, state, or situation – Merriam-Webster). A place that was in a way very peaceful as there was only me…
Finding those moments, places of quiet to sit with Jesus so we can talk about what is going on in our thoughts is of great importance to Him I believe as it’s in those precious moments that He drops nuggets of wisdom and revelation to us so we can continue in the journey full of His ‘PERFECT PEACE’.
Just as I am typing this, my ‘other half’ came to my desk and requested to use my reading glasses to read something for himself and then after promising to give them back before leaving the room, proceeded to do the exact opposite! (Did not happen of course).
My other half is my ‘grit’ (irritant) in my oyster (world) that encourages me to create the ‘nacre’ from within to produce a better ‘pearl’ (life for Christ) in my situations and circumstances. He is (on most occasions) a very calming influence in difficult times, a rock to hold onto when I have felt like crumbling but also knows how to push my buttons!
My start to June 2021 had my head space a little full (overwhelmingly) so I went to clear it out with a coastal breeze and a hot chocolate after work – as you do! As I took the time to process my thoughts, I went wandering the beach and rocks to find tiny fish finding the same solace I too was enjoying for the afternoon…. Getting in close to the Rock!
‘..my God, my rock and strength in whom I trust and take refuge;..’ Ps 18:2 AMP
We should never forget how much we are loved, not only by family and friends but most importantly by our Heavenly Father who watches over us in everything we do. On the day I was enjoying this solitude, my devotion scripture for the same day was:-
‘Jesus stood amoung them and said ‘peace be with you’ (very appropriate don’t you think?). - John 20:19 NIV
My God being my ‘rock’ – this metaphor points to Him being strong, steadfast and consistent, not easily moved or shaken plus a refuge for (not only me) but all those in need.
Quote from book ‘Fragrance’ by Kim Stanfield
Chapter ‘Focus’
I have just recently returned from a very luxurious week away with a long-time girlfriend where we got to chat, reminisce, shop together, visit other friends and family and eat far too much… and all at my husband’s encouragement to enjoy myself. Part of this trip was to catch up with relatives (my Mum’s younger sister) and touch base for her Birthday as she no longer has her siblings to celebrate with. I think in being able to experience times like that – God too desires for us to take time out with Him for the same purpose?
I do trust my Lord Jesus but when talking to Him, it is important I am willing to hand over my anxiety and worries into His care so that He can deal with them so I can enjoy the peace He so desires for me to have?
Come to the beginning of June 2021 and many more issues surfaced that were making both my sister and my head spin so I took it upon myself to just get in and do what had to be done and picked a weekend and took myself and my sister away to ‘de-everything’ – de-stress, de-worry, de-grieve, and all the rest!
In that process we were able to sit and discuss life situations around our childhood memories and ‘de-tangle’ what things had laid like weights to our soul to then hand over to our Heavenly Father to take them and no longer be burdened – released in fact so we can now be happy for our parents, enjoying the life they so longed for and deserve for eternity.
Quote from book ‘Fragrance’ by Kim Stanfield
Chapter ‘Reset’
I am learning that walking in the Peace of God for ourselves daily is a choice we need to be intentional about;
· the moment we open our eyes – he is the ‘light of the world’ (John 8:12 – 9:5)
· when we take our first drink – because he is our ‘living water’ (John 7:37-39)
· the first food we eat – because he is the ‘bread of life’ (John 6:35,41,48,51)
· he is ‘the door’ (John 10:7 & 9 ESV) that we step through each day to engage with others for our living, relationships etc
· he is ‘the way, the truth & the life’ (John 14:6) the source of life for every circumstance we find ourselves in
I do trust my Lord Jesus and am continually grateful that he is forever going ahead of me in every way, including today as I post this because when opening my morning devotions today, I was presented with…
‘The God of Peace be with you’ – Romans 15:33