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Playing our Part

Writer's picture: kimstanfieldkimstanfield

(wrote blog on 21/8/22)

Recently I heard someone share on the importance of us ‘playing our part’ as it is very needed because we all have something unique to bring to the journey -

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. – Ephesians 2:10 NLT

Again, watching the movie ‘The Hobbit’, I was reminded of the conversation between Gandalf & Galadriel on the importance of what we all individually bring to the table of life.

Gandalf says ‘.. it's the small things, the everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keeps the darkness at bay – simple acts of kindness and love..’

Just after Gandalf shares the above comment, he then says, ‘Bilbo Baggins gives me courage’, as we all give each other courage in doing the journey together.

There are many around us that would say we are not good enough for the role we are in or capable of doing what is needed for the situation – just as Bilbo Baggins was told by the group of dwarfs he was with, that he should just turn around and go home. But as much as they felt he was an ‘encumbrance’ to their goal, when the time was right Bilbo stepped up and showed amazing courage of defending the Dwarf King in a time of major peril!

We all need friends like Bilbo who are willing to step in to support us in the most strategic of situations! I pray today that you have ‘them’ around you, and they know when to step in to be your support.

My husband and I are part of a small group/network of people who show their love, kindness and support. We need this more than ever as world circumstances are changing every day. How best do you show love and kindness in your sphere of influence every day?

My husband and I were recently in isolation due to Covid and relied on others to drop off supplies to our front door when needed. On a couple of occasions my daughter and granddaughter had been shopping and dropped items off – being told that my granddaughter specifically chose a couple of those items herself! For example, Disney character tissues! My granddaughter has since been to our home and lovingly points out that the tissue box on our fridge is the one, she chose for us 😊

As Gandalf shared above, ‘it’s the small things, the everyday deeds of ordinary folk… simple acts of kindness and love..’ We may not realise at the time what an impact it has but for some its lasting and very memorable.

Be God’s love today for others!



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