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Pouring Out

Writer: kimstanfieldkimstanfield

Today the 29th of October is my Mum’s birthday and she would have turned 90 if she was still with us. I would love to be enjoying a tea party with her today to celebrate, pouring out for her a cup of tea and serving cake.

I do miss her and all the time we got to laugh and joke around. She was an inspiration in creativity (my favorite thing) and was always helping my sisters and me with ideas for projects because she was such a wealth of knowledge in this area – gleaned from her mum & sisters I’m sure - three other remarkable women!

All that my mum, along with my aunts poured into myself and our family is immense, and I will always be grateful for my mum’s spiritual input and life experiences shared with me, especially the prayer cover both her and my Dad ‘poured’ over us all, year by year was like anointing us with oil for the season ahead. THANK YOU MUM 😊

(my mum is center & her two younger sisters either side)

Please do read my two books – Door of Hope & Fragrance (links here – for more testimonies from her life)

Looking back on my year and all I have benefited from in 2023 - ministry, serving, events, new friendships, fun & laughter I have participated in… Now it’s time for me to pour that out into others, from all that God has deposited within me!

Ephesians 4:1-3 MSG

…I want you to get out there and walk—better yet, run!—on the road God called you to travel. I don’t want any of you sitting around on your hands. I don’t want anyone strolling off, down some path that goes nowhere. And mark that you do this with humility and discipline—not in fits and starts, but steadily, pouring yourselves out for each other in acts of love

Now as this year comes very quickly to a close, I am processing my journey ahead and was remembering back to mid-2022 when I felt God speaking to me so I wrote a blog -

When God lays on your heart deposits of great importance, be it through dreams, visions, or confirmations from scripture - it is critical to be attentive and take note of what comes next. I do believe that the journey ahead will come with some serious decision-making moments but if I can put God's choices for me first and seek His leading then I am sure it will be an exciting road ahead.

In the first half of next year, in April 2024, my husband and I will be celebrating our 40th Wedding Anniversary! Just this weekend we have booked ourselves somewhere special to celebrate it too – woohoo! Looking forward to it!

I believe in Hebrew, the number 40 has great significance… The number 40 represents transition or change; the concept of renewal; a new beginning.

I am looking forward to stepping into what God has in store for me giving him praise, honour, and thanks - not only for the 40 years already done but for promises still yet to be prayed through and brought to fulfillment and the JOY of ‘steadily pouring myself out for others in acts of love’ in Jesus’ name! Amen!



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