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Stitched in His Love

Writer's picture: kimstanfieldkimstanfield

I have been dabbling in the art of watercolour painting and although I am no artist, I have a friend that kindly guides and assists me in this process – how to hold my brush, how to aid the paper so the water and colours blend better together and so much more.

Over the last week I have had a couple of opportunities to try my hand at making a birthday card for my middle grandson (first attempt did not work) and also trying to express myself through flowers and leaves etc.  All very much a personal interpretation of course as everyone sees things differently in their mind when it comes to art.  For example, when showing my husband my first attempt at grandson’s birthday card, he could not see anything wrong with it… clearly, he has no taste in art!

God is the master blender together of our life situations and circumstance.  He knows just how much to add of one colour to blend into what colour we currently exhibit to enable His flow of love, grace and mercy to show through to others.  Showing off the best hues and shades to others is our ultimate goal, so others then will be in awe of Jesus Christ showing through in us in the shade needed for them to see.

As I am experiencing this current sentiment within, to then express and write about, externally in my sphere of influence I am being pulled emotionally and physically in a number of different ways, in colours I am sure no one really wants to see because I am torn by not understanding hurt to loved ones that are so dear to me and I am very down cast about it.

What then absolutely astonishes me in these times is that when I go to the word of God, specifically my daily devotions, God always, always speaks…

My previous days scripture

2 Chronicles 15:7 – “Be strong and do not give up for your work will be rewarded”

Today’s scripture

Psalms 102:1-2 – “Hear my prayer Oh Lord let my cry of help come to you… turn your ear to me when I call, answer me quickly”

Tomorrows scripture

2 Chronicles 20:15 – “Do not be afraid or discouraged… for the battle is not yours… but Gods”

The day after

1 Corinthians 15:58 – “Let nothing move you always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain”


The day after that…. has STRONG FAMILIES as its title…

1 Cor 16:13-14 – “ courageous be strong do everything in Love”

God is the most amazing and talented Artist of our lives, and we should never ever give him reason to not add his brush to wherever it is needed.  Adding in the right amount of colour that will blend in perfectly with what He has already put there originally for the best masterpiece to be revealed!

Are we Willing to allow him to flex his brush in us?

Are we Able to assist Him in the process?

Are we Ready and equipped to say yes for the process to follow through to completion?

Yes, this is a type of WAR of our emotions, attitudes and being accountable to God for Him to change us into the best for what he has up ahead for us.

Prayer: Father, help us to prepare for any battle we may face. Help us to keep our eyes focused on Jesus. As we go through today, help us to stand strong and not live in fear of the enemy. Please Lord, equip me today with your courage, strength and peace, knowing you are with me!



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