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Summer Chronicle

Writer's picture: kimstanfieldkimstanfield

While recently enjoying some holiday time by the ocean for the beginning of my 2024, my heart, mind, soul, and physical body were all in need of receiving some much-needed ‘jumpstarting’ (like a car battery) so I could again feel able to do my every day living in the year ahead and to do it the best way possible for the Lord.

Along with reading, walks, coffees, and meals out with hubby – all are part of the process, it’s the small quiet moments that God enhances for me.

Let me share a few with you…

Green Pool Swim

In driving to a quiet spot for hubby to go off walking and take photos, I was left to enjoy a swim at the ocean location but as it was cool (both weather and water-wise) I was taking my time to insert myself into this process (while turning blue I might add) standing in water trying to coax myself to just take the plunge. Eventually, I did but the shock to my body was like artic ice and in the first 20 or so breast strokes the pins and needles to my body were excruciating so everything within just screamed ‘GET OUT OF THIS WATER NOW’

Question - Do we shock our bodies for the fun of it?

Your mind is telling you, ‘It’s summer, the water will be fine’ – there are others out there in the water but of course, I am standing in front of the Southern Ocean and it’s a top of 23 degrees and there is total cloud cover so maybe all the circumstances around me are trying to tell me something?

13 I can do all things [which He has called me to do] through Him who strengthens and empowers me [to fulfill His purpose—I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency; I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses me with inner strength and confident peace.] – Philippians 4:13 AMP

We have been prepared and readied for what this year holds, we need to step in and embrace it with all the strength, God has given us and give Him thanks for every situation.

Shaft of Light

While resting back against the lounge during my time one evening, I was privy to a band of light shinning across the room and within that stream of light, there was a moving swirl of what appeared to be a ‘tangible’ essence…. moving ever so slightly, like time was standing still!

What I felt God was revealing to my heart in that moment was how very real His Holy Spirit is in the very air we are breathing but it was only His light that revealed it to me in that moment as when the shaft of light disappeared, it too was no longer visible to my eyes!

Question - Why are our eyes not open to everything around us?

The Holy Spirit is with us, in us, and prompting us always so we should never feel like we lack and can’t step into whatever situation God calls us to – even if in the natural we can’t see it, God is there for us this year to bring about the supernatural for others we know.

‘…they who seek the Lord will not lack any good thing.’ – Psalm 34:10b AMP

Beach Walk

My husband and I took a long stroll along the beach one morning and I was struck by the large number of shells we were finding, strewn all over the sand we were walking on. My husband, while wearing sneakers was walking over all the shells, making a crunching sound whereas I chose to remove my thongs and enjoy the cool comfort of the ocean lapping over my toes!

What went through my mind at the time was my 6-year-old granddaughter’s possible pleas (as she was not with us) of ‘Grandad you’re killing the shells’!!!

I know that like all things God makes us unique and perfect (like shells) but regardless of what has taken place in our lives up to this point we are all fragile (Like shells) and circumstances around us (like those wearing sneakers on the beach) can break us and press us further into the sand….

Question - Are we stronger than we look?

YES, and AMEN!

29 For by You I can [g]run against a troop, By my God I can leap over a wall…. 32 It is God who arms me with strength, And makes my way perfect. 33 He makes my feet like the feet of deer, And sets me on my high places. – Psalm 18:29,32,33 NKJV

We all resolve to do better at the beginning of each new year and regardless of how long our lists may be … we struggle to meet all those high ideals.

I am sensing God is more aware of our frailties, testing, and inabilities than we are and that if we step up now at the start of this New Year to have a more realistic, relational, partnership with our Heavenly Father this year, He will come through and share, reveal, open our eyes to much greater things in Him!

‘…your whole being you embrace God…’ – Rom 10:10 MSG



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