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What a tangled web!

Writer's picture: kimstanfieldkimstanfield

Unearthing things that have remained hidden for some time can be daunting but in some cases, they can also be downright catastrophic!

Since earlier this year when we had a ‘swarm’ (infestation) of black grubs go thru our backyard, eat up all our grass, move on across our paving and up the doors and windows – we wondered what on earth had hit us!

As time went on, we discovered that we had to rectify our garden and start clearing away at shrubs and trees to make room for ‘something new’. Little did we realise that this undertaking which started mid-July has taken months of hard labour (put in by hubby of course) and has totally blown us away with the amount of work needed to undo what is wrong.

We have been in our home nearly 15yrs and what we planted back then have gone on to become the most intrusive of fauna imaginable… does anyone know the book/movie ‘Day of the Triffids’? Yes, well that may give you a small inkling of our dilemma!

These roots alone were uncovered from a 15 square metre patch of ‘dead’ grass.

As our drama was rearing its head, we had to get in a guy to come ‘pulp’ five stumps as they were too big for us to dig out on our own. Saying that we (hubby) still had to dig out a further 10 more! So along with many trips to the tip plus ordering a garden skip (& the list goes on) we are still discovering mega roots from trees being unearthed at every turn.

What we have been unconsciously gazing at ‘on the surface’ for so many years, held a gruesome tangled web of mega labour hidden underneath. We are now having to deal with this, so we can put it all right before planting in something suitable, green, lush and most certainly more pleasant to look at growing!

This whole process has brought to light for me how much, as individuals we need to tend to our own undercurrent issues so they do not ‘take root’ and infest into a greater murky mess that will become harder to undo later on – oh so much pain!

During this same time period of our gardening dilemma, I have also uncovered other personal family things that, if tended too years earlier, may not have resulted in the trauma and hurt they have now become. Why I wonder do we in our humanity do this to ourselves, instead of going to our heavenly father and asking Him to shed his light on the issue and helping us make better choices to put things right.

“But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” (James 1:5 NASB)

What a loving and amazing Heavenly Father we have, that He would welcome us to work these things out with Him 12 Why do we keep pursuing doing it all on our own I wonder?

Lord today, help me I pray to maintain my own personal ‘life garden’ and not allow the ‘roots’ from discontent and negativity grow in my life. Help me take all my worries to you Lord, put things right and ask for forgiveness. AMEN


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