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Window to my World

Writer's picture: kimstanfieldkimstanfield

I have a Pinterest page, the same name as todays title - where I post pictures I have taken, looking out into the world of what I see.

The Lord has allowed me over the years to view many marvels from around the world and I am blessed.

While surfing the internet I found this picture that stopped me in my tracks…

What resonated within me was the pair of eyes looking out the window, looking at all the other possible pairs of eyes doing the same thing from all their windows to their world!

Straight away the question came to me from Romans 10:18 – have all those eyes out there been told the message of Jesus and His love for them?


18 But haven’t there been plenty of opportunities for Israel to listen and understand what’s going on? Plenty, I’d say.

Preachers’ voices have gone ’round the world, Their message to earth’s seven seas. - Romans 10:18-21 MSG


I have understood what my role here is, since very young, to share the gospel to as many as I can, as often as I can because that was spoken by Jesus in his great commission…

19 Therefore go and make disciples in all the nations,[b] baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  - Matthew 28:19 TLB

It could in a way seem a very daunting task to some but from my experiences – I have been blessed beyond measure by the amazing interactions I have come across in sharing the gospel to others and have had life changing encounters on numerous occasions that could only have been God initiated!

I love the fact that by me choosing to step out and make myself available, God has stepped in and blessed me in doing so.

Example: in 2008 I said yes to go preach on a missions’ trip to another country and now, years later I have someone from that country attending my connect group that I am able to love on and bless – definitely a God orchestrated opportunity.

For many years my husband and I were involved in running many Alpha course programs for individuals to know and understand who Jesus Christ is and I believe there is now a new updated ‘Australian’ version of that course being released – which is fantastic!  If people want an easy way of being able to share their faith with others, Alpha in my opinion is the way to do it!

From very young my parents modelled the need and responsibility of sharing the gospel with others and I am proud of their guidance, constant prayer and nurture to me for the heart of God in my life.  Today is my mother’s birthday and although she has been home with the lord for four years now my devotion scripture for today is…

‘Angels are nearer that you think.  They guard and protect you: God has given ‘his angels charge of you to guard you in all your ways’.  – Psalm 91:11 

My heart’s desire is to continue in the pursuit the Lord has given me to shine my light for Him and share His love with others as I know that our time is short and His coming is more imminent than we know!

This good news of the kingdom [the gospel] will be preached throughout the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end [of the age] will come. – Matthew 24:14 AMP



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