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Your God will be my God

Writer: kimstanfieldkimstanfield

What a testament in above video link to an amazing Mum who goes above and beyond to create a home and comfortable space to bring up her babies.

  1. mother bird built the nest – strategizing 

  2. mother bird lays eggs – revelation

  3. mother bird sits on them to keep them warm – implementation

  4. mother bird goes out every day to find food to feed babies –completion 

NOTE: day 17 eggs were laid then on day 57 babies flew the nest - that season is 40 days and in Hebrew it generally signifies a period of testing, transition, transformation, a generation or preparation for a new phase

This whole scene has somewhat drawn a parallel of sorts to a story highlighted to me this week of the woman Naomi in the bible who was a great mum and probably did all she could to nurture and bring up her sons in the admonition of the Lord and although Naomi’s sons married (Ruth & Orpah), her sons unfortunately passed away…

Both (Ruth & Orpah) had grown up in Moab and turned from paganism to their husbands’ faith. Both lived with an adoring mother-in-law. Both knew of the love of Yahweh, the one True God. Both enjoyed material wealth and prosperous marriages out of the abundance of God’s blessings and love. Both had husbands who taught them well, and who showed them God’s love in marriage. Both had husbands who stayed with them despite lack of children. Both were keenly aware of the power and authority of El Shaddai. God, however, has bestowed upon them, and us, free will. And this free will gives everyone the choice to receive God’s gift of saving grace. -

As shown in the video clip above, where the mother bird comes in and out to feed the babies and right at the end she flies back in, only to discover that all her babies had flown the nest and left….

Naomi knew, though, what it was like to move to a foreign land when circumstances demanded it; Ruth and Orpah, did not. Naomi knew the fear and uncertainty they would face, and this time she would have to do it without the strong arm of her husband to lean on. The tiny modicum of hope that she clung to was that her male relatives in Bethlehem would take pity on her, since the people in Moab would not…

Ruth and Orpah make different choices…

14 And again they cried together, and Orpah kissed her mother-in-law good-bye, and returned to her childhood home; but Ruth insisted on staying with Naomi.

15 “See,” Naomi said to her, “your sister-in-law has gone back to her people and to her gods; you should do the same.”

16 But Ruth replied, “Don’t make me leave you, for I want to go wherever you go and to live wherever you live; your people shall be my people, and your God shall be my God; 17 I want to die where you die and be buried there. May the Lord do terrible things to me if I allow anything but death to separate us.”

18 And when Naomi saw that Ruth had made up her mind and could not be persuaded otherwise, she stopped urging her. 19 So they both came to Bethlehem, and the entire village was stirred by their arrival. – Ruth 1:14-19 TLB

God puts within us a desire to belong – like Ruth choosing to stay with her mother-in-law and saying, ‘your people shall be my people, and your God shall be my God’.  He has given us the following to enable us…

  • He gave us a spirit of sonship – Galatians 4:5-7 TPT

  • Lavished great love on us – 1 John 3:1 NIV

  • We are complete in him – Col 2:10 NKJV

  • We are Gods chosen treasure – 1 Peter 2:9 TPT

But every new season brings with it new choices for us to make and activate along the way…

strategizing and putting your energies into creating an environment that will be welcomed by others and accepted

-            spending time reading God’s word

-            praying every day for those around you in your sphere of influence

-            fine tuning and listening to what God is saying to you

-            like Ruth, her mother-in-law suggesting she go pick up wheat from a relative’s field for them to have food

then to make the revelation known of what is to take place and put it into practise (or birth it) for others to see

-            sharing Gods word & revelations with those you meet & that God puts in your journey

-            creatively putting ideas and resources around what God gives passion to your heart for in the current season

-            asking God for confirmation, through the prophetic in your life and circumstances

-            like Ruth, continuing to show up and be productive to serve for the whole season of harvest

the implementation to play out and (hatch), bumps in the road will be ironed out as it manifests, and plan is executed

-            there may be difficult conversations to have but God will supply your needs in His perfect timing

-            patience is at the heart of Gods gifting

-            like Ruth, following her mother in laws directive and laying at the feet of Boaz to claim a family legacy

then the hard work happens to see it all through to completion and be the blessing Gods knows you and it to be

-            blessing & loving on those in the journey moving forward, with an outpouring that can only be from Gods abundance

-            reaping testimonies of Gods goodness, blessing and transformation in others

-            like Ruth, being blessed to marry a family kinsman and be the great grandmother to King David

For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. – Jeremiah 29:11 TLB


If God has that in store for each one of us then I choose to follow where He will lead me, to enjoy the blessings He desires for me. Praying that for you as well today!


P.S. my personal journaling this month has been all about hot air balloons, so I thought it only fitting for me to incorporate a picture of one into my blog  😊



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